Effective Greens Maintenance

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A Better Way to Care For Your Greens

Improve the health of your turf with the Spray Bug, a walk sprayer from Hahn Application Products LLC in Evansville, Indiana. The Spray Bug is the most efficient and effective way to walk-spray greens and other areas. The electric-powered, self-propelled sprayer is self-contained and has a 15 gallon tank and an 80 inch spray boom.

The Spray Bug walking spray system combines precision application with ease of use and simple calibration. It allows you to spray your greens more accurately while keeping vehicles off tender turf. The system's nozzles are visible to the user during spraying, and the boom shroud eliminates drift while putting your spray material precisely where you want it. The Spray Bug is now wider, faster, comes with a larger tank, and is an effective method for micro-dosing nutrients.

Spray Bug

Sprayer Sprayer

A dry lock fitting allows the operator to quickly recharge the tank from a larger turf sprayer without exposure to the spray material.

 A special designed trailer can be pulled behind a larger sprayer for easy transport.


Thank you for your interest. Please reach out with questions or comments using the information below. We look forward to hearing from you.

(812) 297-7309

Brannon Polk bpolk@hahnspray.com

Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

1178 E Diamond Avenue
Evansville, IN 47711

Service Area
